
Doctors Appointment at 32 Weeks

Today we met the one male doctor in the group just in case we run into an emergency situation and he's the one on call when I'm in labor. He was quirky, but nice. We were in & out in around 30 minutes = amazing! Usually after checking in I leave my urine specimen then return to the waiting room until I'm called back, but this time the nurse was waiting for me outside the bathroom! Weight. Vital signs. Back to the exam room to wait for the MD... less than 10 minutes! And his time with us was thorough but brief. I'm healthy & Gabriel is healthy so there is not a whole lot to discuss.

A Few Stats

Heart Rate: 150 {the doc said his HR was up from "exercising" since he was moving around a lot during the exam. And we heard his hiccups on the Doppler!!}

Fundal Height: 33cm
Weight Gain: Up 2 pounds in the past 2 weeks (1 lb/week is appropriate at this stage of pregnancy) so my total is now 20 1/2 lbs.
Vital Signs: blood pressure 115/76, heart rate 84


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