
Gabriel is One & A Half!!!

Stats at 15 Months
Weight: 24 pounds, 10 ounces (52%)
Height: 32 inches (76%)

Stats at 18 Months
Weight: 25 pounds, 13 ounces (49%)
Height: 33 1/3 inches (75%)

TV shows: Disney channel shows for 'tweens (Jessie, Good Luck Charlie, Dog With a Blog), Sesame Street, Sid The Science Kid, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, The Big Bang Theory
Foods: bananas, cheese, peas, Goldfish
Toys: John Deere tractor with trailers for farm animals, any car/truck, lawn mower, balls, bubbles
Books: Where's SpotMy First Words (slide book from Your Baby Can Read!), Little Blue Truck
Random: putting tops/caps/lids on things, sweeping/vacuuming/steam mopping, swinging, being chased around the house

He wants to hold hands while we pray before our meals. He does fairly well with a spoon & a fork. I found a special cup to help him learn to drink from a real cup (it has an insert that prevents big spills but allows a slow-flow to come through).

It's rare for him to wake up before 8:00am and sometimes he'll sleep until 10:00am! Gabriel takes a nap mid-day, usually 4 hours after waking up which is at 9:00am on average. He'll nap for 1 1/2 to 3 hours. His bed time is flexible. We typically start his night-time routine around 8:30 with him asleep between 9 and 9:30pm. I give him a bath, lotion up and put on pajamas, tell Daddy goodnight, say goodnight to things in his room (diapers, wipes, clock, light, etc), read books and pray in the rocker, turn on his music and off the lights, hug and goodnight kiss, and by this time we're standing in front of his crib and he's reaching for it! Lately he kisses me 3 times and when he lays down, pulls a stuffed animal under his arm and wants me to cover them both with a blanket! For most of May and some of July, he didn't sleep through the night- thanks teeth.

Diapers: size 4 Luvs and cloth
Shoes: size 6
Clothes: 18 mo (shorts), 24 mo and some 2T (tops)
Teeth: 12

Words at 18 Months Old
-apple "appuh"
-Autumn "aum"
-banana "nah-nah"
-"Boo" (Perry's Dad)
-cheese "jeez"
-"Moma" (Grandma, my Mom)
-gross "goosh"
-juice "oosh"
-"kish" (Krissie)
-"Nana" (Nonny- Perry's Mom, and Nana- my stepmom, Karlene)
-"Bapa" (Papa, my Dad)
-pizza "pisa pisa"
-shoes "jhoos" or "oooz"
-"da" (ta-da)
-that "dat" while pointing was his 1st word besides "mama" and "dada"!
-He tries to count to three "uhh - eew - oah" (1 - 2 - 3) before jumping off something or doing flips with Dad
-He knows what sounds a dog, cat, cow, duck, elephant, tiger, monkey, fish (he makes a fishy face), and of course, a car make. If you show him a picture when you ask, he can make the sounds for sheep, pig, and snake.

Other Communication
-On the day he turned 13 months old, he plain as day pointed to his nose when I asked him "Gabriel, where is your nose?". I got so excited and told Perry, "He knows his nose!!!"
-He has since learned his tummy, toes, hair, ears, eyes, mouth, tongue, arm, leg
-Shakes his head 'no' and nods his head 'yes'
-Signs: hungry, shoes, duck/bird, dog, hat

Significant Things by Month
February (13 months)
-Dedicated Gabriel to the Lord at our church's Baby Dedication
-Had a cold with congested cough

April (15 months)
-I did a trial run of weaning Gabriel but kept nursing for another week

May (16 months)
-1st time in the church nursery, Noah's Landing (his classroom has walkers-24 month olds)
-Stopped nursing. I am thankful for all 15 1/2 months! The benefits (physical & emotional), the discomfort (ouch), the hassle (pumping at work), the ease (it's always ready), the bonding with my baby boy. The night before my surgeries (May 6) was Gabriel's last time- it made sense because I couldn't pick up anything heavy (him!) up for a week afterward so Perry transitioned him to his new bedtime routine. That made it easier for all of us!
-Switched his car seat to forward-facing
-Gabe had a horrible cold that I'm convinced turned into pneumonia. I'm not one of "those parents" and don't plan on making a habit of out it, but I asked the pediatrician for antibiotics after 2 weeks of him being so sick. A week later, he was better!

June (17 months)
-Went to New York for my cousin Kimberly's wedding and met his Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa and other extended family!

July (18 months)
-Watched the 4th of July fireworks for the first time!
-Turned 1 1/2!!!