
Happy Father-of-Two's Day!

Our TWO kids!
Making Daddy a t-shirt (I found this idea on Pinterest) and helping me unwrap- and eat- candy! I think the shirt turned out pretty cool, just wish I bought a heavier-weight one but I liked this color I found at Target. It was an inexpensive thing that Gabe could make that hopefully Perry would wear! I did have to entice him with a "pop pop" to get him to focus on coloring though; he's not interested in arts & crafts lately.

Presents & cards for the incredible father of my children!!! We made Rolo Pretzels with peanut M&Ms from his "little peanut" (Georgia's room is elephant-themed!) and Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers, or owl food, from Gabriel (his nursery was owl-themed!). Gabe picked out a Finding Nemo card. 

We invited Mom & Dad W to Red Hot & Blue for dinner {but they ended up picking up the check... thank you!!} See Perry's shirt? He wore it in public!! I call that a win.

Happy Father's Day Perry!!! Happy Father's Day Dad W, aka "Boo"!!!
And Happy Father's Day to my Dad, aka "Papa", too!!! Look at this dapper young man! I love & miss you!!


Georgia Jane is 1 Month Old!

2 Week Stats
Weight: 7 pounds, 13 ounces (35%)
Length: 20 inches (39%)
Head circumference: 35cm (27%)

Matchy-matchy at her doctor's appt. We ♥ our little lady!!

-Being held on your chest (greatly prefers this to the cradle position)
-Patting her back
-Listening to her big brother talk/play
-Looking at Perry's abstract painting in our living room & bright things, especially daylight coming in the windows
-Tummy time

-When the car stops
-Having to burp or pass gas
-Wiping her eyes and face

We only had a few newborn size things so Georgia is wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes. The newborn diapers lasted until she was 1 month & 1 day old (4 1/2 weeks). We used up the Huggies from the hospital first, then Pampers Swaddlers- we received 1 big box as a gift and bought another ourselves. They were getting a little snug around her thigh rolls! Now she's in size 1 diapers. 

I'm thankful for another good eater. She is a noisy one! I have been a lot more laid back when it comes to breastfeeding; I'm not recording anything (which side, what time, etc) and I trust she is getting enough plenty! The only problem I had was a blister I got in the hospital but I think it's because I was letting her latch slip off as she (and I!) drifted off. She eats every ~2 hours during the day, sometimes more frequently in the evenings when she is a little fussy. She does this weird thing almost every night: alternates between nursing & swallows a few times then pulls back and wails! No idea what that's about. Overnight she nurses around 9pm, 12am, 2:30-3am, 5am, then Gabriel is up around 6am... 

Perry gave Georgia her first bottle at 3 1/2 weeks old. It hadn't been long since she nursed, but she still seemed hungry; I think she got just enough from me to be sleepy, but didn't fill her belly! It was the perfect time- since I had already started pumping, she had fresh milk! She drank 1 oz. (of the 2 oz. I put in the bottle) and did fair. We're reusing Gabriel's bottles, Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature for Sensitive Tummies.

At night, Baby Girl sleeps in a cradle in our room for 2 1/2-3 hours at a time. An incredible tip I received from my brother's girlfriend's mom {thank you, Terry!!} is to use a heating pad to warm her cradle while I'm feeding/rocking her so the cold sheet doesn't wake her right back up when I lay her down! It works great!! Georgia is cold-natured, so get her nice & toasty and she's out! During the day, she sleeps a lot in the morning and midday, and seems to be more alert in the evenings. I started putting her in her crib for "naps" around 3 1/2 weeks. I try to at least once a day- soon we'll move her out of our room at night and into her crib. Otherwise she is in her bouncy seat or in our arms! I play relaxing rain sounds with an app on my phone. In her crib or the cradle, we swaddle her with Summer Infant's SwaddleMe wraps- my favorite!! They didn't fit her for the first two weeks so I used blankets; she would only stay sleep on my chest, and since I was so tired, I just let her... She sleeps so much better snugly swaddled- hard for me to do with a blanket!
Top L: first time in a SwaddleMe Wrap... it swallowed her 2-day old body!
Top center: blanket-swaddled in her cradle beside our bed
Top R: on my chest 
Hair & Eyes:
Georgia's hair is brown and her eyes are a medium blue! Maybe she'll end up with colored eyes! She has drainage from both eyes, crusty in the morning, watery during the day; likely the cause is blocked tear ducts. Gabe had this, too, and we gave him antibiotic eye ointment, probably unnecessarily. 

-My friend Jennifer who has a part-time photography business took Georgia's newborn pictures at 1 week old. They turned out fantastic!!! Post coming soon!
-Her umbilical stump fell off on day 15. Our Pediatrician informed us that the recommendation for stump-care had changed in the 2 short years since Gabe was born. We no longer were advised to swab with rubbing alcohol at each diaper change. I think that made her's stay on longer (Gabe's fell off on day 9).
-We let her try a pacifier ("bobbi") at 4 weeks old. It did help soothe her some but Perry had to hold it in, otherwise she just pushed it out with her tongue.
-Very mild baby acne showed up at 4 weeks old.
-She has gas, but unlike her brother who's seemed to be painful upper/mid-GI and was hard to get rid of, her's is lower-GI... we are shocked at the sounds that come from her tiny little girl body!! Gabriel will subtly announce, "She tooted!! 'Scuse me, Baby Georgia!"
-Georgia is a pretty mellow baby!! She cries when she is hungry or is uncomfortable and/or wants to be held. Once her need is taken care of, she's quiet, content and wide-eyed!
I LOVE my sweet girly girl!!!


Firsts: Sponge Bath, Restaurant, Walk

5/29/14: I gave Georgia her first at-home sponge bath at 6 days old! She liked it!

6/1/14: Our first time eating out with Georgia was at the same Mexican restaurant that we took Gabriel for his 1st time! She snoozed. zzZzz...

6/2/14: For our 1st family-of-four walk, Perry pulled Gabe in the wagon and I carried Georgia in my Ergo for the first time!


Four Whitakers!

It felt great to have both of our children at home together!!
This would be our life from this point on. 
Two kids, a toddler and a newborn. 
Daddy, Mommy, son and daughter. Our family of four... 

and I love it!!!!

Checking out his baby sister's hands or giving her a sticker... 
then he let Georgia hold his Bo-Bo!
♥ Sister kisses and Mommy hugs ♥

Decorations on our house announcing "It's A Girl!"



Bringing Home Baby Georgia

We came home from the hospital on Sunday, May 25, the day before Memorial Day!
Getting her going-home outfit on!
Admiring our baby girl
I love this moment Perry captured ♥
Ready to go!
The weather was drastically different than when we brought Gabriel home from the hospital! Not that I was surprised- January vs. May! It was around 80 degrees and sunny. The long sleeves and hat were to keep her warm in our cold AC. Georgia didn't like being buckled into the car seat and not held, but calmed down for most of the trip. We almost made it home, but she was hungry and unhappy for the last 5 minutes.

We debated having Gabriel at the hospital and bringing both home at the same time versus Gabriel (and Mom & Dad W) being at the house when we got there versus them coming over once we were settled at home with Georgia. We decided on the last option.

First diaper change at home and touring the house 


And The BabyHunch Pool Winner Is...

ME!!! I can't believe that I guessed right for Georgia's birth date!!! I thought she'd be a little earlier than Gabriel was, and I liked that 05-23-14 is the numbers 0-5 shuffled up! I'm a numbers and patterns girl.

My entry in the pool: May 23 @ 9:36pm. 7 lbs, 3 oz and 19 1/2 inches
Georgia's actual stats: May 23 @ 8:11am. 6 lbs, 14 oz and 19 3/4 inches

Top 5
Second place (by just 3/10 of a point) goes to Mom W, "Nonny"!
Third place is my co-worker Angelica!
Fourth place is my brother-in-law Will!
Fifth place is my friend Elise!

Perry came in 6th place! He guessed 8:18am for her birth time- pretty close!

Since I won, there is NO PRIZE... Just kidding! I'll have to come up with something for Mom W and, since she is immediate family, I will also award Angelica when I go back to work! Thanks to everyone to participated!!! It's fun for us! *Click the link^ to see all the results*

And what's a blog post without a picture?!
Our baby doll on her 1st day at home (2 days old)


Hospital Stay with Georgia

Our time in the hospital was very relaxed. Perry & I (sort of!) knew what we were doing with a newborn and didn't feel as anxious as we had with Gabriel. We took turns cuddling Georgia and I enjoyed the peace & quiet that comes after all the excitement is over and you're alone to bond with your husband and baby. I ate breakfast and she ate, too- within an hour, she nursed twice!

About 2 hours after her birth, we were moved to my postpartum room. Perry had to hoist me into the wheelchair again! We got one of the old rooms in the Women's Pavilion, number 22, but it was still nice. Perry set out the basket of Thank You goody bags I made - they were a hit!

I was so excited to see Gabriel and have our two kids together!! Nonny & Boo brought him around lunch-time and let him walk in first to meet his little sister! Perry was holding Georgia on the couch and I was sitting on the bed.
The very moment he came around the curtain

Touching her!
He was naturally sweet & gentle with Georgia. I did very little to prepare him for how to treat a baby... It's just in him! His shirt said "Most Amazing Brother Ever!" We were so proud!!
^First hug
Georgia "brought" Gabriel a present for his Big Brother Day!
He got a book The Diggers, 2 sticker activity books (trucks and construction themed), sunglasses, 2 hats, a Jeep & horse-trailer toy {2014 is the Year of the Horse in the Chinese Zodiac!}, and a treat of Goldfish Puffs and mini M&M's! He loved it! I think it helped make him feel special. That was our- I mean Georgia's- goal, anyway!
Nonny & Boo meeting their newest granddaughter
They took Gabe home to nap & play, then came back that evening to visit again! And brought dinner... Jersey Mike's, my request! Our first night wasn't awful. Georgia got her 1st bath around 8:30pm! She liked it, especially getting her hair washed! The nurse did her footprints during the bath so we had her put some in the keepsake card we got for Gabriel.

Over a 12-hour period, Georgia nursed at 9pm, 11:30pm, and 2:30am, then cluster-fed for an hour at 5:30am (exhausting!), then 7:30am and 9am... so on average it was every 2-3 hours.
She had her weight checked at 4:45am on the 24th. It was 6 pounds & 9 ounces, down 5 ounces from her birth weight. That's only a 3.7% loss and anything under 10% is ok. The Pediatrician came in around 8:00am and said she looked great!
Sleepy morning snuggles & getting her dressed
Gabriel's first (full) night sleeping somewhere other than home went fair. The report I got from Nonny was that he woke up a few times during the night but went back to sleep easily. I think they all slept in on Saturday morning! After they went out for brunch, they came to visit us again.

It was obvious Gabe really missed us. He couldn't fully understand what was going on- why Mommy doesn't feel good, why we're at "the doctor", why he can't stay with us. After opening another present from Georgia (a giant Disney activity book and Lightning McQueen & Thomas The Train place mats), he said "I fight Daddy!" So just like they would do at home, Perry wrestled with and tickled him on the pull-out couch! It was a glimpse of what our life would be like very soon!

I played peek-a-boo from behind the camera to get these smiles
The best 1st pictures of Four Whitakers we could get!! ♥ my family!!
I was so sad when Gabriel had to leave us, but I tried to remember these were precious moments we'll have alone with Georgia... so I soaked her up! We recreated one of my favorite pictures of Gabriel in the hospital... It didn't register to us just how similar they looked until this!! My 2 babies!!

I was told I could request an early discharge but I opted to stay until Sunday. Our second night was tiring. She nursed at 9:30pm, 12 midnight, 1:30am (cluster-feeding), 3:45am, 6am, 7:30am and 8:30am. My milk came in on Sunday morning after all that! My nurse both Friday & Saturday nights was Annie; she was so nice and incredibly helpful. Because of her, Perry & I were able to get some sleep! My Obstetrician and Georgia's Pediatrician rounded on us at the same time on Sunday morning. Good thing because we were very eager to get home!
Saturday evening and Sunday morning