
Pupper dogs

I haven't blogged about our fuzzy babies in a while, so here's a few pictures from the other morning. Apparently Krissie & Autumn wanted some "Mommy-lovin'" but I was busy on the computer! Bella was content enjoying the warmth of the sun!

On my left...

and on my right!

28 Weeks = Officially In The 3rd Trimester!!!

How far along: 28 weeks (October 27, 2011)

Size of baby:
Photo Credit: Baby Center

Interesting Facts: Measuring just under 15 inches long, he weighs 2 1/4 (like a Chinese cabbage^). He will continue to gain body fat in the coming weeks to prepare him for life outside of your womb. At 28 weeks, your baby can recognize your voice! He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. His brain is developing millions of neurons. The hair on his head continues to grow. Muscle tone in his body steadily develops, and even though his lungs are now capable of breathing air, it would be difficult for him if he were born now.
     Credit: Planning Family

Total Weight Gain: No change on the scale.

Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants (and only maternity pants!) and a mix of tops.

Gender: BOY!!! Gabriel Turner.

Movement: He is still very active, especially when I lay on my left side. And for longer periods of time lately- rolling, bouncing, and kicking all over my stomach! He's been pretty low but lately I have felt him come higher (above my belly button, right under my ribs!).

What I miss: Sleeping well...

Sleep: I had a few rough nights of discomfort & insomnia. I've been using a pillow between my legs but my belly is getting heavy and needs support (Gabriel is "all out front"). Perry suggested it was time to invest in a full-body pregnancy pillow to help with my alignment {I thought I could do without}. Hopefully next week I can report an improvement!
Boppy Total Body Pillow
Symptoms: Muscle cramps in my right arm; Tightness in my right shoulder blade down through my flank area; I had my first bout of indigestion...

Other Notes: My belly feels so tight- I wonder how I'm going to stretch more! Our little man is going to at least triple his weight in the next 2 months... I worry about stretch marks, but none thus far! I'm very excited to be in the third trimester now!!!

Cravings: Ice! Pica, yes, but at least it's not dirt!!

Best moment this week: Visiting with my Dad & Karlene and all going to the Fair together!

What we are looking forward to: My first baby shower, hosted by my sweet Momma, on Sunday!!!; Celebrating another year of marital bliss on our anniversary <3

28 week belly picture:

Not the usual belly pic. After setting up the crib bedding!!!

Plumbing Project

Our house is over 50 years old. Some things just don't work like they once did... in 1955!

Our shower used to drip run water from the faucet even after the hot & cold knobs were tightly turned off. Since it's our only shower, Perry decided we couldn't afford to ignore it any longer in case it became a bigger problem! My closet backs up to the shower, so I completely emptied it and Perry cut away the drywall. He changed the height of the shower head {he could not stand up straight under it!} and converted it to just one control instead of 3. It looks so good!!! Perry did a great job.

The plan:




Now all that's left to do is finish patching the hole, touch-up paint, and make an access panel for the wall in my closet in case of future plumbing issues! The pink stuff in the drywall^ is Spackle that has not yet dried. I plan on buying a suction-cup shower caddy (or two!) instead of the hook kind in the "before" picture.


Happy Birthday, Phil!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my father-in-law, PHIL!!!
{who celebrated another year the 19th}

Doctor's Appointment at 27 Weeks

Another good appointment on Friday! I had my 1-hr glucose tolerance test, a screening tool for gestational diabetes. The first sip of Glucola wasn't as awful as I expected- it tasted like off-brand orange soda with way too much sweetener and very little carbonation, and an icky after-taste! After I finished it, I got really hot and nauseous. Perry laughed at all the faces I was making {he makes everything more fun!}. Now we wait for the results of my lab work.

A Few Stats

Heart Rate: 130 baseline, up to 140 {My doc said all the other babies tried to run away from the Doppler, but Gabe cooperated & even kicked her a few times. Such a good boy we have!}

Fundal Height: 28cm {again, right on track, maybe even on the big side! Details about fundal height in my last doc's appt post} 
Weight Gain: I can't believe it. My weight was exactly the same as it was at my last TWO appointments!!! Did I really not gain any weight in the past EIGHT weeks?? Still +15 lbs. My doctor didn't seem too concerned since Gabriel is definitely growing! If I haven't gained some at my next appointment, they'll do an ultrasound. I go back in 3 weeks so I'm on an "even" schedule, since I'll be 30 weeks. After that, I'll go every 2 weeks! She explained that everyone gains at a different rate, so I might just "blow up all of a sudden in the 3rd trimester". Lovely. I am going to the Fair on Sunday... Italian sausage, roasted corn, caramel apple, deep fried Oreos, kettle corn, lemonade. Mmmm!
Vital Signs: blood pressure 109/61, heart rate 98

27 Weeks

How far along: 27 weeks (October 20, 2011)

Size of baby:
Photo Credit: Baby Center

Interesting Facts: Your baby continues to grow and develop inside of you. Measuring about 14.5 inches long, he weighs just about 2 lbs, like the head of a ^cauliflower!
     This week, his brain is developing quickly. His eyelids, which have remained closed up until this point, begin to open and now his retinas can begin to form. The retina contains specialized photoreceptor cells that respond to light, called rods and cones. Cones in particular help us perceive color. His skin is still wrinkly but by 27 weeks, he basically looks how he will look when you give birth to him, in just a few months!
     Credit: Planning Family

Maternity Clothes: Yes. Still wearing a mix of both maternity & regular- I should just remove this section!

Gender: BOY!!!

Movement: No change!

What I miss: Nothing I can think of.

Sleep: Good.

Symptoms: Still having that muscle cramp in my right arm, and my leg started up in the wee hours one night. Nothing else to report, thankfully!

Other Notes: I LOVE being pregnant!!!

Cravings: Nothing in particular this week. Still crunching ice, especially at work where we have a pellet ice dispenser!

Best moment this week: Getting some AWESOME gifts in the mail- we feel the love! Thank you so much {although I don't think "you" read this}.

What we are looking forward to: The Fair this weekend!

27 week belly pictures:


26 Weeks

How far along: 26 weeks (October 13, 2011- I'm catching up)

Size of baby:
Photo Credit: Baby Center

Interesting Facts: Measuring about 14 inches long, he weighs just less than 2 lbs! His lungs continue to develop and he is taking small breaths of amniotic fluid inside your womb. These small breaths are getting him in shape for his first breath of fresh air. His veins are visible through his transparent skin but soon that will change as his skin begins to turn opaque. The nerve pathways are becoming more and more developed, making him more responsive to sound. Don't be surprised if you feel him jump inside you if he is startled by a sudden noise. If you're having a boy, his testicles are descending into his scrotum this week {haha! That made us laugh}
     Credit: Planning Family

Maternity Clothes: I finally washed everything that Katie (a nurse my Mom works with) gave me, so I'm looking forward to having more clothing options! I pretty much live in 3 pairs of jeans and lounge pants for around the house.

Gender: BOY!!! 

Movement: He is a very active little man!

What I miss: Cold deli meat. I forget I can't have it until we buy some for Perry & I can smell it in the car as we drive home! It's just not the same microwaved.

Sleep: Good once I got this down- maneuver across our bedroom to the bathroom with eyes barely open, then plop back in bed and easily fall back asleep!

Symptoms: Muscle cramps, mostly in my right arm. It seems to get worse at night, but helps to stretch out my wrist and forearm; Having a hard time breathing bent over. I can no longer pull my leg straight up to put on my socks (esp. the compression stockings that I wear to work). I have to prop my ankle up on my other knee and put my sock on sideways!

Other Notes: No sign of stretch marks or swelling! My wedding rings feel the same as they always have. My belly button is an outie on the top, innie on the bottom (and it's noticeable in pictures and sometimes through my shirts!)

Cravings: Ice!

Best moment this week: Arranging all the nursery furniture and purchasing some accessories- we scored on a glider/ottoman and picked up some lamps & cute decor items!; Passing the 100-days-to-go mark on 10/10/11...the countdown begins!!!

What we are looking forward to: Next week's doctor's appt {although I'll be drinking the Glucola for my glucose tolerance test, which I'm not looking forward to}; going to the Fair & the Kellie Pickler concert with my Dad & Karlene!; Getting started on a few home improvement projects that we hope to complete before Gabe's arrival.


Nursery Sneak Peek!!!

Awesome flea market find
Behr's "Lagoon" color-matched to Olympic zero-VOC paint
Perry's adorable {and spontaneous} art project for baby Gabe 
The overall color scheme!!! 3 colors, 3 neutrals
We have made a TON of progress on the nursery, but I'm not revealing much until it's complete!!!


25 Weeks

How far along: 25 weeks (October 6, 2011.. I'm a week behind!)

Size of baby:

Photo Credit: The Bump

Photo Credit: Baby Center

Interesting Facts: Measuring about 13 inches long, he weighs approximately 1 1/2 lbs. In the coming weeks, your baby will continue to grow and mature at a fast rate, gaining some baby fat and filling out his long, lean frame. As he gains weight, his skin begins to become less wrinkled and he begins to look more and more like a newborn. Also, his skin is finally gaining some color. His hands are fully developed by this week, fingerprints and all! And at 25 weeks, the structure of the spine is beginning to form.

Maternity Clothes: Yes!

Gender: BOY!!! 

Movement: Oh yes, we love watching my belly twitch!

What I miss: Nothing this week.

Sleep: I've been sleeping well on my sides.

Symptoms: This week I have felt really good! Very little back pain!!

Cravings: Nothing this week.

Best moment this week: We FINISHED painting in the nursery!!!

What we are looking forward to:
Shopping for the nursery; My Dad & Karlene coming down from VA to go to the Fair!; My first baby shower at the end of the month!! 

25 week belly pictures:


24 Weeks

How far along: 24 weeks (September 29, 2011)

Size of baby:

Interesting Facts: Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn^), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.
     Credit: Baby Center
Total Weight Gain: Still 15 pounds according to my scale.

Maternity Clothes: Yes.

Gender: BOY!!! 

Movement: Lots & loving it!

What I miss: Comfortably sleeping on my stomach! I basically can't anymore.

Symptoms: Back pain; round ligament pain; stretching feeling on my stomach which = itchy skin; muscle tightness {Note to self: start stretching my back/shoulders, arms & legs on a regular basis...}

Best moment of the week: My Mom & Paul got to feel Gabriel move!!

What we are looking forward to: Making progress on the nursery; Hopefully getting more connected at our church; the cooler weather!

24 week belly picture:
None this week :(