
Doctor's Appointment at 27 Weeks

Another good appointment on Friday! I had my 1-hr glucose tolerance test, a screening tool for gestational diabetes. The first sip of Glucola wasn't as awful as I expected- it tasted like off-brand orange soda with way too much sweetener and very little carbonation, and an icky after-taste! After I finished it, I got really hot and nauseous. Perry laughed at all the faces I was making {he makes everything more fun!}. Now we wait for the results of my lab work.

A Few Stats

Heart Rate: 130 baseline, up to 140 {My doc said all the other babies tried to run away from the Doppler, but Gabe cooperated & even kicked her a few times. Such a good boy we have!}

Fundal Height: 28cm {again, right on track, maybe even on the big side! Details about fundal height in my last doc's appt post} 
Weight Gain: I can't believe it. My weight was exactly the same as it was at my last TWO appointments!!! Did I really not gain any weight in the past EIGHT weeks?? Still +15 lbs. My doctor didn't seem too concerned since Gabriel is definitely growing! If I haven't gained some at my next appointment, they'll do an ultrasound. I go back in 3 weeks so I'm on an "even" schedule, since I'll be 30 weeks. After that, I'll go every 2 weeks! She explained that everyone gains at a different rate, so I might just "blow up all of a sudden in the 3rd trimester". Lovely. I am going to the Fair on Sunday... Italian sausage, roasted corn, caramel apple, deep fried Oreos, kettle corn, lemonade. Mmmm!
Vital Signs: blood pressure 109/61, heart rate 98


Caiti said...

I just wanted to stop by to say hello. I just discovered your blog and I love finding other bloggers who are at similar place in life. Congratulations on your baby! Gabriel is SUCH a great name!

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