
Doctor's Appointment at 23 Weeks

We had a good appointment this morning. Perry & I got to meet one of the other physicians in the practice (there are 4 that could potentially be with us at delivery, but until today, I had only seen my normal doctor). We liked her!

A Few Stats

Due date: no change
Heart Rate: 135-155 with good variability 

Fundal Height: 24 centimeters {right on track- it should be the # of weeks pregnant +/- 2cm}

Weight Gain: My weight today was exactly the same as it was at my last appt, FOUR weeks ago!!! Still up 15 lbs. How in the world?? {I'm pretty sure my scale at home has been going up.} The doctor seemed a little concerned but Gabriel's size is right on track, so we'll just watch it closely. She did give me an answer for the total recommended weight gain, 25-35 lbs. Perry predicts that in the next 2 months, I will gain a lot = the State Fair and Thanksgiving!
Vital Signs: blood pressure 111/60's, heart rate 80


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