{Technically I'm at 38 weeks and 5 days for this appointment}
A Few Stats
Heart Rate: 136 to 139
Position: Still head down. Good boy!
Progress: 1.5cm dilated, 70% effaced, station -2. YAY!!!
Weight Gain: I asked the nurse what my total weight gain is now (because I'm not really concerned with it and have lost track) and she said 27 pounds. I thought I was at 27 last week, but it's around that!
Vital Signs: My blood pressure was high which concerns me (especially since I've been having more headaches lately). BP 148/80-something the first time, so the nurse rechecked it. The second time it was better but still high at 138/80-something. HR in the 80's.
My next appointment is scheduled for Tuesday 1/17 if I make it. As she was walking out the door, the doctor said "maybe we'll have a baby by the weekend!". Oh wouldn't that be nice!!
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