
Midweek Randoms

-Perry & I are being more conscious of how much money we spend eating out. I made my first ever meal plan over the weekend! So far we have had sesame ginger chicken with jasmine rice & sauteed broccoli and tacos. A big challenge will be when I'm working because my usual schedule is like this: sleep all day-shower-work all night-repeat x3.

-I finally got that sweet potato I have been craving for 2 weeks! Perry wasn't hungry for dinner {what?! I know, right} and I didn't feel like cooking what was on "the menu" for just myself. I popped a big ol' sweet tater in the oven and heated up a hot dog :)

-My belly button is threatening to become an "outie"...

-Perry said he noticed women in the grocery store smiling at us. Confession: I like that people can tell I am pregnant.

-Before this baby arrives, I will finish our wedding album! I have been working on it here & there over the past few days. There are a million over 800 pictures to choose from which makes it extremely hard to pick just a few! For your viewing pleasure, here's our photographers old blog with highlights from our wedding!!

-How is it August 31st already???


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