
Back-tracking to 10 weeks

How far along: 10 weeks (from June 23, 2011)

Size of baby:
Photo Credit: The Bump

Interesting Facts: Now, about the size of a prune^, your baby has reached an important developmental milestone. Week 10 is the beginning of the fetal period, in which your baby's organs rapidly mature. This week, his kidneys, liver, heart and intestines are forming tissue. Toenails and hair begin to grow and add detail to your baby's body. Your baby's limbs are now able to flex. His wrists can bend and his hands can meet over his heart. His legs may be long enough for his feet to meet in front of his body. He will even start swallowing and kicking this week, but don't expect to feel anything yet, those movements are still too little.
     Credit: Planning Family

Total Weight Gain/Loss: [I didn't take note]

Maternity Clothes:  My regular clothes, but I do love low-rise knit waistband jeans. The wife of the doctor that my Mom works for gave all of her maternity clothes to another nurse at their office who then passed just about everything on down the line to... me! So nice.

Gender: Too soon to know!

Movement: Not yet.

What I miss: Sleeping through the night without getting up to pee. I used to sleep like a rock all night; Eating like a normal person, not feeling like my stomach is empty every 2 hours!

Sleep: No changes other than getting up to use the bathroom.

Symptoms: The "usual": mild abdominal menstrual-like cramps, sore boobs, a few pimples. Thankfully my nausea (with a little vomiting... 3 times to be exact) has passed. It kicked in bad around 6 1/2 weeks and tapered off by 9. Only now, if I start to feel hungry, I need to eat ASAP or else end up feeling like I could hurl but not actually doing so.

Cravings: Salt & vinegar chips. Only Lays would do- thanks, love!! ;) I know, not good for me or Baby Dub, but in my defense, all I wanted in the weeks prior to now was fruits & veggies: strawberries, mandarin oranges, celery & carrots, salads {Wendy's new Berry Almond Chicken salad is delish}.

What we are looking forward to: Going to NY next week! Finishing the big home improvement projects- mainly the tile floor in the laundry room/office & kitchen so I can start going through everything in the current office/future nursery to clear the room! 

10 week belly picture: Pardon the wet hair/no makeup/scrubs with flip-flops look. I was getting ready for work!


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