
Gabriel at 3 Days Old

We survived our first night at home. This is short because it's hard to remember everything now {note to self: must stay up-to-date on this blog!}. I know we didn't get much sleep... The next afternoon, January 16, 2012 (also my Dad's birthday!), we took Gabriel to the Pediatrician's for his first "well visit".

Gabe was very well behaved. We loved the doctor. I'm not ageist, but I was unsure of how he would relate to a newborn being one of the older- if not the oldest- docs in the group. Well, he was/is fantastic! Perry & I felt so empowered as new parents and reassured that everything Gabriel was doing was normal {sneezing, irregular breathing patterns, reflexes, etc}. He would say "does he do this?", act something out, and say "totally normal". So cute.

I got confirmation that breastfeeding was going well since Gabe was back at his exact birth weight already. Our boy can eat!

Weight: 7 pounds, 14 ounces (49%)

Staying warm!

It was a little scary that we wouldn't be back until he was 2 weeks old. Eleven days on our own?! At the time, that felt like such a long time!

Ready to go home!


Unknown said...

Gabe was tiny. What happened? !!!

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