
My First Baby Shower!

On Sunday, October 30, my Mom hosted my first baby shower at her house in Chapel Hill. We decided to divide up the guest list into 2 to keep the size of the party more intimate, so this one was for my Dad's side of the family, the Durrs, with a separate shower for my friends. Everyone enjoyed all the delicious food, cake & punch made by my Mom, then we played a few games! Thank you so much to all my family who came to celebrate and showered me & baby Gabriel with love!!! Thanks to my mom-in-law Debra for taking all these pictures!

My Momma, the incredible hostess!!! I can't thank her enough!!!
Owl (head) cookies!!! Perfect.

Pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese icing!

What was I doing?
This is not a great picture of me, but LOOK AT ALL THAT FOOD!!!
Documenting all the ladies together <3
Aunt Kathie
Aunt Beth
My cousins Allie
and Caitlin
Aunt Amy and my cousins Clare & Becca
My "stepmom" Karlene
My mother-in-law Debra
My stepdad's mom "Grandma" Jerry
And the next day with all of the gifts unpacked in the nursery!


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