
A Very Long Post: The Year Twenty-Ten

Instead of doing individual posts for everything I missed from 2010, here's a list of highlights! I was surprised when I had a hard time remembering what happened in the past year... is that sad? And Perry was no help (don't be mad, babe, I love you!). The post is "heavy" at the end since I never shared about Autumn's facial injury, our Thanksgiving get-togethers, my 25th birthday, or Christmas celebrations & travels. All of the home improvement projects details will be coming later {sorry, I do love a good home update}. We will share them once they're complete.

January 2010
*Bought "Edith" the Element
February 2010
*{L} won a mini in-studio photo shoot with Swank Photo Studios 

March 2010
*"Step-nephews" Kalob Jagow (3/6) & Jackson Knox (3/8) were born 2 days apart
  Jackson Knox (at age 4 months)        Kalob Jagow (less than 1 day old)
*{L} stopped working as a CNA at the skilled nursing facility

April 2010
*Adopted a rescued husky named "Belle" --> who became our sweet Bella roo
Her 1st night with us
May 2010
*{L} graduated from Nursing school... finally.

June 2010
(Just same ol' same ol', studying for the State Boards and work as usual)

July 2010
*{P} left the Sheriff's Department after serving Wake County for almost 5 years. On to bigger & better things!
*{L} passed the NCLEX and started working at WakeMed!
*Road trip to SC for cousin Sarah & Matthew's wedding celebration

August 2010
*Perry turned 26
*Started the first of many big home improvement projects: a fence!
September 2010
* {P} finished the 6' privacy fence with the help of his friend Jon (and {L})
*...AND they built a huge deck!
A sneak peak of the fence & deck (and of my hard-working husband taking a break!)
*Purchased (my beloved) fridge and freezer 

October 2010
*New custom concrete counter tops!
*NC State Fair with Mom & Dad Whitaker
Sharing a Krispy Kreme burger
Perry & his goofy parents

In the process of eating a HOT & SPICY pickle 
*Note: I requested a SOUR pickle since Perry was heading back that direction while his Mom & I stopped by the ladies' room one last time before getting on the park-and-ride bus* ...I do not like spicy foods and was not amused. But, I love pickles, so I ate (most of) it. Until my mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach felt like they were combusting)...
...but I still love him!!!
November 2010
*Celebrated ONE year of marriage with my love!!!
*Thanksgiving celebration #1: T-Day in Fayetteville, NC with my Dad's side of the family (the Durr's)
First, my adorable hubs!
Perry & cousin Lucas
My stepmom Karlene
Youngest cousins Rebecca & Clare... beautiful sisters!
Cousin Allison and Kar
I told Papa to "take a silly picture!" ...LOVE IT!! :)
Around the turkey fryers. L to R: Matt (cousin Sarah's husband), Jessica Pope, Beth Pope, and Uncle Mark
L to R: Uncle Mark, Jim Pope, cousin Sarah, and Jennifer Pope
L to R: Uncle Bill, Bob Pope, and cousin Caitlin 
Uncle Tom (cooking something on the stove), Aunt Kathie, Aunt Amy, Scott, and Aunt Lorraine (turned around)... we all took over Uncle Tom & Aunt Lorraine's lovely house!
Michael, Luke and Aunt Kathie sharing some love
Daddy!!! Clare, Amy, Becca, and silly Matt
Becca, Matt, Sarah (behind the flowers), Jennifer, Caitlin, Aunt Beth (she finally showed up in a picture!), Allie (above Beth) and Bill

Thanksgiving celebration #2: the day after T-Day in Chapel Hill, NC with my Mom & Paul (the Jagow's)


Our "step-niece" Katelyn! Crazy Katie bug :)

She was enthralled with playing on the ottoman and making me lift her legs up & down like a see-saw

Cousins Katie & Kalob

Can you tell we are entertained by kids? I did not get any pictures of Katelyn's little brother Jackson (who is only 2 days younger than Kalob!) or ANY of the adults!! Shucks.

Thanksgiving celebration #3: two days after in Raleigh, NC with my in-laws (the Whitaker's). The whole family (Nonny, Pop Pops, Cassy, Will, their girls, and Perry & I) went to The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences for a few hours of fun before heading back home to fry the turkey & eat! Some of these pictures I stole from my SIL.

Our sweet nieces Emily & Lauren 

A dreadful picture of me but I wanted to include it because my nickname is "Ladybug"

 Little Lauren & Emi Tay in front of the beehive! Emily loooves bees, remember?

 Sisterly love

 The men & the turkey (Will, Perry, and Phil "Pop Pops")

Deb "Nonny" and little Gabby

My SIL Cassy hanging out on the couch (again, I didn't take enough pictures. These last 2 were late at night after the girls were tucked into bed)

*{L} turned 25
 One of my gifts from Perry

 I got the purse in Savannah but he took the plate to be engraved *my first thing with my married initials!*

*Autumn's facial injury. She was either bitten or stung by something (i.e. spider, snake, bee). {P} let the girls outside around noon, left with his Dad, and I arrived home around 3 to find this poor little girl! {P} was on his way home, too, and we rushed her to the vet.
December 2010
*Photo shoot at Yates Mill Pond for our annual Christmas card. Bloopers anyone?


*VA to visit Dad Durr & Karlene
*First Night Raleigh 2011

Each day is so quick to pass and I am reminded of the importance of making each one count. Perry & I have so much to be thankful for and praise God for the blessings He continues to bestow on us into two-thousand eleven. It's going to be a good year!

"For I know the plans I have for you," 
declares the LORD, 
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope and a future. 
 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, 
and I will listen to you.  
You will seek me and find me 
when you seek me with all your heart." 

{P}'s all-time favorite verse:
Jeremiah 29:11-13


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