
Gabriel is ONE!!!

Weight: 23 pounds, 10 ounces (62%)
Height: 30.5 inches (78%)

We measured him on our DIY growth chart and got 29.5 inches. It's possible ours is off a smidgen because it's hard to hang something precisely 6" off the ground! And it's possible that Gabe wiggled while the nurse was measuring him laying down. We'll go with the average of the two, 30 inches!

Four days after his birthday, Gabriel had his 12 month checkup with our favorite doctor, Doctor A. He was impressed by Gabe's medical record- his growth pattern, advanced development, and overall great health. He even asked us, "what's your secret?" Proud parents moment!!! Doctor A said a child's immune system is what it is. It was encouraging to hear that anyone who says you need to expose your child to germs to strengthen their immune system is wrong! He was breastfed. He doesn't go to daycare. We stay away from sick people. I wipe off shopping carts, restaurant high chairs and tables and use a cover & place mat. He has only had 1 virus and a cold fewer times than I can count on 1 hand. I'm not an extremist who sanitizes everything, but I do want to set-up Gabriel for a happy & healthy life in every aspect!

-Playing "swords" with Daddy (with a toy drum stick and toy baseball bat)
-Going behind and under furniture
-His play tent

-My Bubble wrap calendar {a Christmas gift from Mom & Dad W; it used to hang on the back of his door but had to be moved because he would cry just being close to it, let alone popping a bubble!}
-Having his face wiped {this isn't new, I just didn't think of it when writing the past several months posts}
-Being still and forced to stay in one place for a photo shoot...

New skills:
-Dancing! He stomps his feet and bounces up & down.
-Blowing kisses!!
-Feeding himself with a spoon!!
-Mastered walking, changing directions, and now he tries to run!
-Getting on & off of his ride-on trucks
-Throwing and kicking
-Sorting/moving things (food on his sectional plate or clothes from one laundry basket to another)

Gabriel is mostly wearing 12-month clothes with some 18-month pajamas & pants. Still in size 4 diapers. He wears size 5 shoes.

He can fully eat what we eat now! Some new foods Gabe has tried: chicken stir-fry, cheese ravioli with (unsalted) butter, and bacon. It is no surprise that he loves bacon- I ate it very often during my pregnancy! He tried cow's milk four days after his birthday. I expected him to take a sip and make a what-is-this? face but he guzzled it down and went ahhh! As far as breastfeeding: we made it!!! One year, and Gabriel is still nursing! I am starting the process of weaning. It's slow and gradual... For now, he nurses when he wakes up, a couple hours later before his nap, only sometimes in the evening, at bedtime, and once in the middle of the night. So 4-5 times/day. The easiest feeding time to drop first was in the afternoon.

No change in his napping. Since we got him a boombox for Christmas, he falls asleep to a CD of nature sounds & instrumental music.

Hair & Eyes:
Medium brown hair. Big brown eyes. Long eyelashes. His 5th tooth (upper left) is almost all the way in, and his 6th and 7th are starting to break through the gum.

-When Perry or I are leaving the house, he will watch from the sidelight windows (face pressed up against the glass and all!) until we drive off out of sight. Melts my ♥.

Gabriel Turner is such a joy and literally makes every day better. Perry and I are completely addicted to him. Thank you God for this precious, priceless gift you gave us one year ago. We love you SO MUCH, Gabe!!!


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