
Back-tracking to Weeks 4-16

Size of baby: Poppyseed to blueberry to lemon to avocado! I found out I was pregnant on September 26 at 4 weeks, 3 days. I reached the 2nd trimester (week 14) on December 2.

Gender: We went to the same perinatal specialist for my 1st trimester genetic screening ultrasound as we did with Gabriel. At 12w, he was able to tell us with a percentage of certainty "in the 90's" that Baby Dub #2 is a GIRL!!!!! We will know officially in a week & a half at my anatomy ultrasound!

Total Weight Gain: 5 pounds (based on the scale at my doctor's).

Maternity Clothes: I pulled all my maternity clothes to the front of my closet around week 9. I could wear regular tops but the pants are just so much more comfortable!

Movement: Nothing yet.

What I miss: Deli meat; Licking the beaters or sneaking a piece of raw cookie dough.

Week 6- Hungry-nausea started (just like when I was pregnant with Gabriel). I had to eat every 2-3 hours to avoid dry-heaving. I battled constant nausea.
Week 8- Started getting sick, usually in the evening before bed, and the exhaustion started.
Week 9- Hair loss (more than I usually shed!), bad lower back cramp/pains, headaches, vomiting, excessive saliva production!
Week 11- No appetite. Nothing sounded good. At 16 weeks along with Gabriel, I had gained 8 pounds, but was only at 5 due to all the nausea/vomiting I've had! It has lasted so much longer this pregnancy...
Week 13- So exhausted, cramps/body aches, heavy head, vomiting (I had a very embarrassing experience this week but thankfully I was at home, and had Perry to help me!)

Cravings: Ranch dressing, "hearty" foods; aversion to sweets and the taste & smell of coffee.

Best moments: My first doctors appointment was on October 8. By ultrasound, my due date was estimated to be June 2, 2014 and baby was 6w1d. Baby's heart rate was 125 and strong!!

I had another ultrasound at 8w3d because my doctor typically sees all OB patients for the first time at that point. Baby measured about 1/2 a week larger (May 29, 2014) but my EDD didn't change from June 2.

More awesome moments: Finding out that Baby is a girl!!! Hard for me to believe!; Sharing the news with our family; Getting settled in our new house; Halloween; traveling to my Dad's for his first cattle auction; Thanksgiving and my Golden birthday! Lots & lots of posts to come!

What we are looking forward to: Feeling more energized and less nauseous; Transitioning Gabriel from the crib into his new big boy bed {done!}; Setting up the nursery; Seeing our sweet Baby Dub #2 again for the anatomy ultrasound; Gabriel's 2nd birthday!

5 week belly picture:
At our old house

15 week belly picture:
At our new house... I forgot to take pictures in between weeks 5 & 15


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