
Gabriel at 4 Months Old!

Gabriel turned 4 months old on Sunday... my 1st ever Mother's Day! I'll write a separate post on that later ♥

Weight: 16 pounds (73%)
Length: 26 inches (85%)
Head circumference: 42.5cm (57%)

-Sucking on his fingers
-Sitting in a chair like a big boy

-Being on his belly for too long {before he could roll over!}

We started cloth diapers!

New skills:
-Blowing spit bubbles or doing "motorboat"
-Rolling over!! After waking up from a nap, he rolled from his back to his tummy... amazingly, we both were nearby and able to see him in action! He was 16 weeks old. Later that night when I was at work, Perry videotaped him!

I continued to use the Boppy for nursing but positioned Gabe a little differently. I had him sit in the middle with his shoulders/head on one side so he was in a reclined position. This helped significantly with his gas & reflux!

Hair & Eyes:
Fine, dark brown hair with grey-blue eyes. His hair looked stringy some times and it grew in patches. He still had cradle cap pretty bad.

-His first overnight trip was this month! We went to visit my Dad & Kar on their farm in Virginia.
-We witnessed him having a bad dream. It almost made me cry watching it!


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