
38 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: 27 pounds (as of 38w1d)

Movement: No change from last week. Still moving often but smaller movements in her tight quarters!

Symptoms: Pain (aching and pinching) in my pelvis/hips; some random cramping in my lower abdomen; headache today.

Doctor's Appointments: Heart rate 130's, still head down. Exciting news is I'm already 75% effaced and 2cm dilated!!! In comparison to my pregnancy with Gabriel, at my 39 week appointment (technically I was 38w5d), I was 70% and 1.5cm which is roughly the same as now... both are estimates, of course! I went into labor 2 days later and he was born early in the morning on the 3rd day (39w1d). Getting excited!!! {And suddenly feeling like I have so much to do! Finish packing Gabriel's overnight bag & Georgia's diaper bag including a coming home outfit, wrap Gabe's "Big Brother" present from Georgia, catch up on laundry, vacuum the house, clean the bathrooms, paint my toenails...}  

Best moments: Perry & I had a date today, probably our last for a while!! All 3 of us went to my doctor's appointment, then we dropped G off at Nonny & Boo's, had lunch at Remington Grill (I got a spicy buffalo chicken sandwich in hopes of inducing labor), shopped for what Georgia is going to give Gabriel in the hospital, and saw Million Dollar Arm!

What we are looking forward to: Meeting little Miss Georgia!

38 week belly picture: Coming soon...


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