
Gabriel at 11 Months Old!

-Carrying around kitchen utensils (like a spatula or big wooden spoon)
-Looking at all the Christmas decorations go up around our house
-Feeding us his finger foods. Hopefully he'll be a good sharer!
-Everything from his 10-Month post

-If he wants to get down from being held or do something on his own, he will push and swat(!) our hands away
-When I say "ouch". He immediately starts crying like whatever hurt me was his fault! It's so sweet but sad!
-Stranger danger!

New skills:
-Giving hi-fives
-Shaking his head "no" (although I don't think he makes the connection with the meaning just yet)
-Walking well

Gabriel is wearing 12-month clothes. Still in size 4 diapers.

Some new foods Gabe has tried: grape jelly sandwiches; grilled cheese; spaghetti; turkey, stuffing, some veggie casseroles, Grandma's zucchini banana bread, and pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving; and ground beef (it comes right back out of his mouth!). Breastfeeding is still going great! He nurses when he wakes up, about 2 hours later before his morning nap, in the afternoon (once, or sometimes twice if in the early afternoon and then early evening), at bedtime, and once in the middle of the night. So 5-6 times/day.

No change in his napping.

Hair & Eyes:
The color of his hair is lightening up some! His big brown eyes with long lashes make me melt.

-Perry & I are afraid he will be a temper-tantrum boy. When he gets over-tired, grumpy, or clingy to Mommy, he can have some serious meltdowns, literally turning to a puddle on the floor. And he can whiiiiine. I wonder where he got that from!
-Gabe says "Da da" a lot! Perry patiently waited for his turn and now it's only every once in a while that I'll get a "Mama"!
-I wasn't as diligent in recording details this month due to the holiday season gearing up. I'm sad this post is short. But no worries, his 12-Month post... ONE YEAR... will be BIG!!!


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