
Gabriel at 3 Months Old!

"I see you taking pictures over there, Mom... kisses for Daddy!"

Behind-the-scenes during our photo shoot :)
-Staring at ceiling fans {he's obsessed}, bright lights, the TV
-Sitting up with help
-His vibration seat
-Still enjoyed bath time and massage with baby lotion

-Nothing specific

Gabe wore 3-6 mo. clothes and size 2 diapers.

New skills:
-Laughing! We caught his very first one on video!!! I was so excited! It was 2 days before his 3-month birthday (4/11/12).
-Talking a lot more & mocking sounds we made
-Swatting, kicking and talking to the toys on his vibration seat
-Kicking & splashing in the bath
-Found his feet

I didn't mention Gabriel's gas in his 2 Month post, but trust me, it was still a problem. For nursing, I used the Boppy in a modified way. I would lay him on it then wedge something (a pillow or rolled blanket) under one side to elevate his head. We still had to use bibs at every feeding/nursing.

The significant thing that I can remember is that we removed the bumpers from his crib. Perry & I talked about it for a while but I was reluctant; in part because his crib bedding is super cute, but mostly because I thought "people having been using them forever, nothing bad will happen to Gabe". Now I'm glad we did- anything to ensure the safety of my baby!

Hair & Eyes:
Very fine and still pretty dark brown hair. Gabe battled with seborrheic dermatitis, i.e. "cradle cap", for a while. If I remember correctly, dry, flaky skin first showed up just on his forehead around 2 months old and gradually worsened until it covered the whole crown of his head. I mainly applied baby oil to his scalp during baths and used a comb to try to loosen some of the scales. This resulted in a "greaser" look! Our pediatrician recommended using a small amount of adult anti-dandruff shampoo which I tried a few times. Nothing made it go away completely, though; it eventually cleared up on its own between 3 and 4 months old! Gabe's eyes were a deep greyish-blue. 

-Perry & I went on our first date since Gabriel's birth on March 25th {Gabe was 10 weeks old}. We saw The Hunger Games!
-His facial expressions were hilarious! His little personality was coming out more & more.
I laugh so hard when I look at this picture!

Can you tell I couldn't get enough of my sweet, adorable, precious little boy?? I still can't :)


Perry Whitaker said...

What a cute kid!

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