Size of baby:
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Photo Credit: Baby Center |
Interesting Facts: Measuring about 17.5 inches long, he now weighs over 5lbs (like your average cantaloupe^)! And from this week, until 2 weeks before birth, he will continue to gain about a half pound of weight every week. Unlike the first trimester, the weight between all babies in the third trimester is much more variable. Some babies weigh more and are taller; some babies weigh less and are shorter. Also unlike the first trimester, by week 34 not much is changing. Your baby continues gaining weight through the development of subcutaneous fat and with that weight, is probably gaining strength in his movements. You may even be startled by a sudden jab to the ribs or be able to see a punch to your belly from the outside!
Credit: Planning Family
Gender: BOY!!! Gabriel Turner.
Movement: Not as many big movements lately- he's starting to get squished!
What I miss: Moving and changing positions freely & without much thought!
Sleep: Some bad mixed with some good. I'm just thankful I still can get some good sleep!
Symptoms: No change from last week.
Other Notes: It is very annoying when I use the restroom right before leaving my unit at the end of my shift and have to stop to use the bathroom again in the lobby before I walk to the parking deck!!; Still no stretch marks or swelling, but my belly is shiny.
Cravings: Ice & ice water. Coca-cola. And I realized I've been wanting Smithfield's for dinner which I never used to request (BBQ with baked beans & cole slaw!)
Best moment this week: Going out for dinner with Perry's parents one night and my Mom & Paul another night in celebration of my 26th birthday!; strengthening relationships with extended family members; meeting our last prospective pediatrician, then deciding which is the right fit for our family... the very first one!
What we are looking forward to: Our Labor & Birth class at the hospital this weekend!!
Things checked off our "to-do" list:
-Hung wall decor in the nursery!!! Such a good feeling- it looks finished now (except for window treatments... if I do any!). A few frames are blank for (1) a print from Etsy that's coming all the way from New Zealand; (2) pictures of our little man after he's born!
-We ordered... cloth diapers! After much research
-I lined the dresser drawers and washed & put away most of Gabe's clothes.
-We started packing our hospital bags! Purchased all toiletries in travel sizes (so we aren't chaotically grabbing things out of the shower), set aside extra cell phone chargers, and finalized the list of everything else.
34 Week Belly Pictures:
Coming soon...
I love our BG cloth diapers. We have velcro (I wish we had some of each, however the snaps were not an option when Elijah was born from BG) and we have the kind you stuff, which I like more than the all in ones since they dry faster. Either way I LOVE cloth! Hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy ours.
How do you like the velcro? We were afraid it would wear out after being washed/dried so much so we got all snaps. Also, how many do you have? All I can say is I hope we like them!!! I had that 'should-we-really-get-these?' feeling before we submitted our order :)
The velcro is starting to wear which is why I wish we had some snaps. However the advantage is we can make up our own size instead of having to fit him into a determined size. As we buy more for baby 2 I plan on buying some with snaps. We have roughly 30? Plan on about 10-12 diapers in a day for an infant, now we go through 6ish. We found cloth to be better than disposables as far as blow outs go with newborns. Now that Elijah is older and sleeping 12 hours at night he wears a disposable at night since no matter what I've tried the cloth leak at night. Can't wait to hear how you like them. Your due mid january right?
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