
Weeks 4, 6 and 8 Doctors Appointments

1st Bump Picture on the day we found out!!!
I was lucky to get an appointment very quickly after finding out the news! I guess since we had NO idea how far along I was, my ob/gyn wanted to see me as soon as possible.

{Go-go-gadget arm shot} in the parking lot before our first OB appointment!!!

We were so excited to see "our little black dot"!!!

Based on Baby's crown-rump length, it was estimated to be only 4 weeks (gestational age). I was set up to come back exactly 2 weeks later when cardiac activity {a heartbeat!} should be present. At that appointment, Baby measured at 6 weeks 6 weeks, 5 days which gave us a more accurate due date... January 19, 2012! And we heard the heartbeat for the first time!!!

Baby Dub at 6 weeks, 5 days

Me at 6 weeks!
Another 2 weeks later we went back for another check up. Baby Dub changed/grew so much!

Baby's heart rate jumped from 111 bpm to 174 bpm. "They" say if it's <140 = boy and >140 = girl... hmmm. Either way, he/she is healthy!!!

"For you created my inmost being; 
you knit me together in my mother’s womb." 
Psalm 139:13


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