
Midweek Randoms

-Perry & I are being more conscious of how much money we spend eating out. I made my first ever meal plan over the weekend! So far we have had sesame ginger chicken with jasmine rice & sauteed broccoli and tacos. A big challenge will be when I'm working because my usual schedule is like this: sleep all day-shower-work all night-repeat x3.

-I finally got that sweet potato I have been craving for 2 weeks! Perry wasn't hungry for dinner {what?! I know, right} and I didn't feel like cooking what was on "the menu" for just myself. I popped a big ol' sweet tater in the oven and heated up a hot dog :)

-My belly button is threatening to become an "outie"...

-Perry said he noticed women in the grocery store smiling at us. Confession: I like that people can tell I am pregnant.

-Before this baby arrives, I will finish our wedding album! I have been working on it here & there over the past few days. There are a million over 800 pictures to choose from which makes it extremely hard to pick just a few! For your viewing pleasure, here's our photographers old blog with highlights from our wedding!!

-How is it August 31st already???


Doctor's Appointment at 19 Weeks

We had our anatomy ultrasound yesterday morning! The ultrasound tech was less than superb so the process was a little disappointing, but we were BEYOND excited to know for sure that we're having a baby boy!!!!! Plus, every time we can see that sweet little life is amazing and we got some good pictures (Perry put them into a slideshow in my last post!). Baby Gabriel is healthy and active!

A Few Stats
I am mostly recording this information so we can look back on it in the years to come :)

Due date: still January 19, 2012
Head: measures 5 days larger at 19w6d... hopefully he won't still have a big head when he's born!
Estimated Weight: 11 ounces
Position: this will change {a lot!} but he was head down, facing my right side with his back along my left side. He kept his hands up by his face and even reached up over his head once!
Heart Rate: 143

Uterus: at my belly button
Placenta: along the posterior wall of my uterus... "perfect position" according to my doctor
Weight Gain: 14 pounds *gasp* I forgot to ask my doctor if I was on track. She didn't mention it, so hopefully! If the range is 25-35 lbs, I'm ~halfway there at ~halfway through the pregnancy...
Vital Signs: blood pressure 110/71, heart rate 98


We Are SO Excited To Announce That...

and his name will be Gabriel Turner Whitaker!


What's It Gonna Be??


We find out tomorrow!!!

Happy Birthday, Perry!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my incredible husband and best friend, Perry!!!

I love celebrating the day of his birth! Perry is the most amazing man I know. Who knew I'd marry "the boy next door" that I met at age 17?!! God did, obviously. We literally would not have met without the Lord's omniscience. I am thankful every day for the love & devotion Perry shows me and his guidance & leadership for our {growing!} family! Happy 27th birthday!!! I love you ♥


18 weeks

How far along: 18 weeks (August 18, 2011)

Size of baby: 
Photo Credit: The Bump
Interesting Facts: Week 17- Your baby is now about the size of a turnip {or onion, according to The Bump}! She is roughly 5 inches long and weighs 5 ounces now. That's even more than the placenta weighs. Though no new structures have formed this week, she has developed fat deposits under her skin that will account for about 2-6% of her total body weight at her time of birth, just 23 weeks from now! Her skeleton, which up until this point has been made up of flexible cartilage, is now hardening into bone. Another exciting event…her sense of hearing begins to develop this week!
   Week 18- Your baby is now roughly the size of a bell pepper {or sweet potato, according to The Bump}. She is about 5 1/2 inches long and weighs almost 7 ounces now! If you are having a boy, his genitals are now noticeable, if he isn’t curled up and hiding them during the ultrasound. If you are having a girl, her uterus is fully formed and in place, along with her fallopian tubes.
     Your baby’s skeleton, which up until this point has been made up of flexible cartilage, is now hardening into bone. Myelin, a protective covering around her nerves, has begun to form. Myelin plays an important role in the communication between neurons and it will continue to develop through her first year of life. At 18 weeks, your baby’s skin is still thin and transparent, so to help protect her, something called the vernix caseosa develops. This is a greasy, cheese-like substance that not only insulates her developing epidermis and dermis from the amniotic fluid; it also makes her nice and slippery for an easier delivery!
     Credit: Planning Family

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'd estimate that I gained a pound in the past 2 weeks, so 9 total. I'm interested to see what the doctor's office scale says next week! 

Maternity Clothes: More and more, yes. A few more pre-pg shirts have been pushed to the back of my closet, not to be seen again until next summer (or longer).

Gender: Next Friday is the big day!

Movement: I'm pretty sure I've been feeling Baby Dub!!! SO exciting!

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach!!! I'm laying with a pillow between my knees but I keep trying to turn over. I've always been a stomach-sleeper so it's a challenge.

Sleep: Once I fall asleep, I'm good, but I flip back & forth on my sides trying to get comfortable and then fidget with the pillow. One night, I kept pushing the pillow all the way down to my feet {where is does no good}. In the morning, Perry told me he kept reaching down and pulling it back up! Awww.

Symptoms: Overactive gag reflex: every time I brush my teeth and sometimes when I eat!; Gas & belching more than I always have; Feeling a little bloated again.

Cravings: Nothing in particular... but seeing that sweet potato up there makes me really want one. With butter starting to melt and drip down the side and brown sugar & cinnamon sprinkled on top. Mmm!

Best moment of the week: Catching up over dinner with Sayra and her Mom; Getting blessed out of the blue with no bill from a-big-name-tire-and-automotive-repair-garage after finding a nail in my tire!;

What we are looking forward to: Perry's birthday next week, then our 19 week appointment the next day! {The day before Perry's birthday we have something going on that's not fun at all. It's causing me some anxiety; although I can't elaborate, please pray for us on Wednesday.}

17 & 18 week belly pictures:

(No picture for Week 18 yet. We would have taken it Thursday but I slept all day in preparation for work Thurs, Fri & Sat nights!)


Beck'um & Cam

I'd like to introduce you to Becky, my best friend from my days at UNC-Charlotte! Sadly, we had not seen each other in over a year & a half (since my wedding in 11/2009)!!! When she informed me that she & her husband Cameron would be spending the weekend with her sister in Durham, we both knew we had to get together! We met for lunch at California Pizza Kitchen at The Streets at Southpoint... it was WONDERFUL to see them!

We asked 2 older ladies to take a picture for us... one held the camera & one instructed us to remove our sunglasses for the picture! Haha!!


Newww Yoooork!

My Mom, Paul, Perry & I drove to visit my grandparents in NY last month over the 4th of July. Here are some pictures to tell the story. Make that a LOT of pictures!!!

My Mom & cousin Alexis
Grandpa trying not to smile
Tori, Uncle Mike & Aunt Pam's dog
Aunt Pam trying not to smile... what's with that?!
Grandma & Uncle Mike
Tioga Downs Casino & Racing!
Mom won the "Daily Double" (or whatever it was called). She picked the winning horses for the 1st and 2nd races and won BIG!!!
Crossing the finish line

Me, cousin Alexis and cousin Amy
Aunt Pam, my Mom, Grandpa... and Uncle Mike leaning in from the left!
Paul & Uncle Mike
Me, Uncle Gary & Grandma
Grandpa & Mom
See my little belly? 11 weeks pregnant :)
My cousin Kim & her boyfriend stopped by!
Rick reading the paper
Group shot before they left town again
My sexy husband!!!
My test shots while setting up the camera for a group picture... he is crazy!
But then G & G inspired me for a better location for the family picture
Most of the family {cousins Kim, Chris, Alexis and my brother Jason weren't there}
Uncle Alex & Aunt Martha drove down from Albany for the day!
Getting ready for a 4th of July cookout at Uncle Gary's
Grandma likes beer
Uncle Gary & Aunt Terri
Mom & Aunt Terri goofing off!
Downtown Owego, NY
Our vantage point... by an Indian monument
On our way out of town, we stopped to visit my Nana {I'm bringing her artificial flowers from our wedding}
The metal flower I got her years ago is still there!
I miss her ♥
Pulling weeds with Mom
Driving home... through Pennsylvania maybe?