
Phone pics {and other stuff}

And by "other stuff", I mean much older stuff!

Who doesn't love doughnuts? {Rhetorical question} Recently I heard of a Grand Opening of the new Krispy Kreme in Fuquay with a chance to win free doughnuts...  I decided to set my alarm for 0400 and if I woke up, I would go. In all honesty, I knew I would go. I was probably a little too excited about it. I stood in the cold rain and was one of the first 50 people in line when they opened at 0600! {Seriously, many people camped out overnight. In tents, their cars, I even saw a recliner out there... Um?}. Reportedly, the very 1st person got a free dozen every week for a year. I most definitely do not need that many.

My loot = 1 free dozen Original Glazed every month for a year & a t-shirt!!

Sneak peek of the new paint color in the bathroom! ^ "Spring Cactus" by Glidden.

At work, I was the only nurse to get 100% on the latest pain documentation audit! The card says "Lauren, Great job. 100% documentation correct in MAK + Soarian. Way to go!" I'm a super star. I shine!

Speaking of work... walking out of the hospital in the mornings, this is what I see {or don't see because I am walking with one eye closed due to the extremely bright sunshine that fills this walkway}. After 12 night-time hours in a relatively dimly-lit work area, my eyes are sensitive! But it sure is pretty.
Perry renewed Edith the Element's registration and picked out a new specialty plate for me!

While trying on a hand full of bras at Kohl's, I found this gem! I put it on and thought to myself "what is wrong with this??" Then I laughed, out loud. I couldn't wait to show/tell someone about it. Did I mention it was on April Fool's Day, too?! The Indian woman working in the lingerie department did not find it as humorous as I did- her first response was "Would you like 15% off?". I told her "You can't sell this! It has 2 left boobs!!!" but she just continued to pester me about opening up a Kohl's charge card and pulled the but-don't-you-want-to-save-money line. *Buyers beware: I think she put it back on the rack...*

Along the same lines, check out this "Repackaged" youth support cup on the clearance end-cap at Target. Eww.


Melissa said...

lol two left boobs!! that's hysterical!
I walk a slightly different way out of work in the morning...through CVICU right in front of the cath lab down the stairs and around the front (less people walking!--I walk fast and hightail it out of there!). ;)

The Whitakers said...

I never imagined a bra to be so defective. Crazy, huh?! And I hate to admit this, but I have no idea where that is in the hospital!

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