
Very Merry Virginia

{This post should have been included with all of my "Very Merry" Christmas posts, but I just found the pictures!} Our visit to my Daddy & Karlene's farm!
Rambo {with his orange scarf is so hunters do not shoot him!}

Perry, Rambo & Kar playing frisbee

He's a jumper. Don't have a frisbee? He'll settle for a big snowball!

Perry & Dad working with the bulls!

While the guys corralled the bulls & loaded those big bad boys on a trailer and drove them down the road to another part of the farm {and bonded over a can of ice cold beer}, Karlene & I went for a walk with Rambo. On our way back, Rambo's nose found a particular spot in the grass and just couldn't get enough! Karlene wiped her work-gloved finger through what we thought was blood {no big deal to her, but ew}. Yep, 'twas blood. We trekked through the brush along side of the field in search of more blood/tracks/an injured or dead animal, but didn't find anything. Kar suspected someone shot a deer from the road {apparently this has been an issue; my Dad doesn't mind hunters using his other properties with permission but this one he wants to be a "safe zone" for their future home site & all}.

As we were walking away, I noticed tire tracks that just "stopped". From the point where it ended back to the blood spot in the grass was approximately the size of a truck! My Dad was not happy to hear that someone drove onto his land, loaded up a deer they shot into the bed of their truck, and backed-up outta there. Don't mess with my Daddy!

I took pictures of the evidence to show Dad that night

Karlene made a delicious squash casserole {with (frozen) yellow squash from their garden!} and mac 'n cheese, and Dad grilled steaks! We watched:

and had a great time just visiting since we don't get up to see them as often as we'd like!


Marian said...

Hey Lauren! Thanks for stopping by my blog! The etsy seller with the tables does still exist - here's the link - http://www.etsy.com/shop/jrobbinsbarnworks - I actually ended up finding my table on Craiglist for about $200 and I love it! Good luck.

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