I don't like that I had to make a new label for this post! Our baby is half a year old already?!! He is growing up so fast. And getting cuter by the hour :)
We took Gabe to his Pediatrician on his half birthday, Friday the 13th. This video was staged, but he tore up the paper on the exam table while we were waiting.
We took Gabe to his Pediatrician on his half birthday, Friday the 13th. This video was staged, but he tore up the paper on the exam table while we were waiting.
As we suspected, he does have eczema; over the past several weeks we have noticed more dry, red patches on his body- on his thighs and smaller ones on his chin and back. I learned the hard way that Googling "infant eczema" is a very bad idea. Thankfully his is very mild and he doesn't seem bothered by it, so we're just watching it. I took this picture of the back of his thigh/butt last night after his bath; it looks the worst then (maybe the heat?).
He cried so hard after his shots. Breaks our hearts. We were able to soothe him in just a couple minutes, but later that evening from 6p-1a, he was gruuuumpy. Everything else checked out just fine at the appointment! His development is right on track. Thank God for our happy, healthy little guy!
Weight: 18 pounds, 8 ounces (70%)
Length: 27 1/2 inches (84%)
Head circumference: 44cm (58%)
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He decided he had enough of the photo shoot (bottom left!) and it was time to play with Daddy!! |
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-Standing up and "walking" with assistance
-Sucking on his fingers or hooking himself like a fish
-Watching our dogs, in awe
-Bath time (in the big boy tub) and massage with baby lotion afterwards
-Playing Peek-a-boo or any game that involves a repeating "surprise" element {like saying 'ouchie!' or just popping out from around the corner with a smile}
-His Johnny Jump Up
-Riding in the car
-The nasal aspirator {it might be a stretch to say he likes it, but he doesn't dispise it anymore! He gets really still and just watches with big, curious eyes}
-Being left "alone" for too long while playing on the floor
New skills:
-Almost sitting up all by himself {still topples over to the side or falls back sometimes}
-Rolling from one side of the room to the other!
-Rolling from one side of the room to the other!
-Holding his bottle in place while drinking
-Blowing spit bubbles
-Blowing spit bubbles
-Almost waves {holds his arm out but doesn't move it}
-Reaching for Mommy or Daddy ♥
-Searching for a hidden toy
-Throws toys off his highchair
Gabriel is wearing both 6 and 9 month clothes; his 6-month sleep 'n plays & onesies are getting stretched tight so he is much more comfortable in 9-month ones because of the length. His cloth diapers add a lot of "bulk" on his bottom, too. I'd guess he wears cloth 75% of the time. He is in size 3 diapers when we use disposables. We used Pampers Swaddlers on his sensitive little newborn butt, then switched to Pampers BabyDry around 2 or 3 months old (I'm guessing, it was whenever we ran out of diapers that we received as gifts!). We also tried a pack of Huggies Naturals early on but did not like the fit or durability. Just recently we picked up a small pack of Luvs for a trial run... there is a major price difference. We like them just as much, so we stocked up with a huge box (204 diapers) from BJ's for $29.99!! For reference, a pack of 222 Pampers is $44.99 at Target. He poops once a day on average. Perry added that he generally poops the color of food he eats :)
-Almost waves {holds his arm out but doesn't move it}
-Reaching for Mommy or Daddy ♥
-Searching for a hidden toy
-Throws toys off his highchair
Gabriel is wearing both 6 and 9 month clothes; his 6-month sleep 'n plays & onesies are getting stretched tight so he is much more comfortable in 9-month ones because of the length. His cloth diapers add a lot of "bulk" on his bottom, too. I'd guess he wears cloth 75% of the time. He is in size 3 diapers when we use disposables. We used Pampers Swaddlers on his sensitive little newborn butt, then switched to Pampers BabyDry around 2 or 3 months old (I'm guessing, it was whenever we ran out of diapers that we received as gifts!). We also tried a pack of Huggies Naturals early on but did not like the fit or durability. Just recently we picked up a small pack of Luvs for a trial run... there is a major price difference. We like them just as much, so we stocked up with a huge box (204 diapers) from BJ's for $29.99!! For reference, a pack of 222 Pampers is $44.99 at Target. He poops once a day on average. Perry added that he generally poops the color of food he eats :)
Continues to eat ~every 3 hours. I am still breastfeeding- hooray, we made it 1/2 a year, at least!! He has this new thing- when he nurses, he reaches his right arm up, grabs a handful of his hair & pulls! Over and over again. Ouch. A side note: I dropped 1 pump time at work so I'm doing it
twice a shift now, usually around 10:30pm and 3:30am. Usually I'm home
and nursing Gabe by 8:00-8:15am. {Major change regarding my job- I'm working 11a-11p, not on night shift anymore!}
I haven't blogged this yet {surprise, surprise} but we started Gabriel on solids when he was 18 weeks old!! First was rice cereal. I went with Happy Bellies organic brown rice cereal, purchased at Target. Then at 20 weeks he tried, in order: bananas, peas, pears, sweet potato, green beans, carrots, (back to pears for a day because we thought he was constipated), and butternut squash. Oh, and one packet of dried apples from my friend Katie's new baby food company. More on that later. I think his favorites are butternut squash & sweet potato and his least favorite is without a doubt green beans. I am making all of his baby food by either steaming or baking and blending it up really well with my Ninja! He eats solids once a day, usually between 2:00-5:00pm (occasionally twice a day for breakfast and dinner). He's now only sitting in his highchair- he is so over the Bumbo.
He has been sleeping on his side (mostly his left) but now has started settling on his stomach. As Perry said, he gets it honest! Gabe wakes up around 8:00 every morning. Most nights he is down around 9:30pm but is not sleeping straight through the night anymore. *sigh*... On nights I work, I still nurse him right before leaving, then he eats 1 or 2 6-ounce bottles for Perry before going down for the night. Often times he will wake up at midnight and eats again. Sometimes he will be hungry by 4:00am, other times not until 6:00am. Or other times he will skip the midnight feeding and wake up at 2:00am and then up for the day at 8:00am. His naps last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 1/2 hours! He takes a morning nap 2 hours after waking up, almost like clockwork. His afternoon nap time varies. Basically, each day & night is different.
Hair & Eyes:
His hair seems a lighter brown to me this month. His eyes are golden brown closest to the pupil, then change to greenish-brown and then bluish-grey moving out towards the edge of the iris.
-Gabriel is still such a happy baby!!-He likes to give slobbery, open-mouth "kisses" ♥
-He & our dog Autumn have something in common: everything gets tasted, licked or chewed!
-He talks mostly to himself or the dogs in one syllables like "ba", "ah" and "ma" {getting close to "Mama" I hope!}