
Employment Anniversary

Yesterday was my 1-year employment anniversary!! It's hard to believe that I have worked as a nurse for The Hospital* for a whole year!! (*No, that is not its actual name. I just don't want to advertise where I work.) I'm very blessed to be employed, to be employed at The Hospital and on my unit; my coworkers on night shift are incredible nurses. They have embraced me as a "newbie" and taught me so much. I look forward to my 2nd year and what God may have in store for me in the future!


How we found out!

Originally written on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 {5 1/2 weeks pregnant}

It has been 12 days since we found out that I am pregnant!!! I've been meaning to blog about this exciting time in our lives so all the little details are recorded but just haven't found the time. 

How we found out:
     I felt bloated all week at work. When I got home on Thursday morning, May 12, after working my last of 3 nights in a row, I decided to take a pregnancy test to ease my mind from jumping to conclusions at every little symptom and expected it to be a BFN {big fat negative}. Well...
     Our middle dog, Autumn, has been getting into/bit by something in our backyard and has swelled up multiple times requiring steroids. This particular morning, after "doing" the test, I went to say good morning to our girls while I waited. I discovered Autumn's severely swollen ear and went into a frenzy of giving her Benadryl, applying anti-itch cream, putting the plastic cone on her head, and separating her from Krissie & Bella. After all that, I was more than ready for bed. I forgot all about the pregnancy test in the bathroom!!

     Perry found the strip in the bathroom when he woke up a few hours later. He later told me he paused to think what 2 lines meant; it was, after all, a cheap test from an ovulation predictor kit. When my alarm went off 30 minutes later, Perry asked me why I took it. "Oh, I don't know, I just felt bloated. I was going to test this weekend anyway". I walked into the bathroom and picked up the strip. I immediately knew it appeared to be a positive...??!!
     I asked Perry, who was making his way from our room to the bathroom, "Did it look like this when you saw it?". His reply was yes.
     My ridiculous thought: "Maybe it changed from being exposed to the air for so long" {it had been ~4 hours since I took it}. This is just hilarious to me now! I sort of shrugged my shoulders and that was that. I guess I didn't want to get too excited or get Perry too excited if it was a false (+). He walked away; I retested.

     Two minutes later, there it was. A big fat positive!!!

     We had thought about this moment for a while. I envisioned having a little time to plan out a creative way to tell Perry he's going to be a Daddy. I spent hours pouring over ideas and worrying if I could pull off the surprise when the time came. Instead, I went in to the office to find him, said "I wanted to tell you this in a creative way, but I just can't... I think I'm pregnant." Cue excitement/disbelief/shock/happiness/terror/joy!!! 
     I actually took 2 more tests (an E.P.T. that I had on hand and a store brand that we went out & bought "just to be sure"!). Perry sat in the bathroom, staring at the strip & the timer. I remember him saying "it's clearly positive in less than 20 seconds!" Four for four!!! We are going to be parents =D

*Addition on July 17, 2011
Looking back on that day, I see now that it was still special and memorable, despite not telling Perry in the most creative way. It definitely wasn't super exciting for either of us when I blurted out "I think I'm pregnant", but the day's events turned out to be pretty funny! We will always have that unique story to tell.


Guess what??!!


Perry & I are expecting a precious little one in January 2012!!!! 
Follow us on our journey into parenthood with our first child on the way.