
Day trip

A couple of weekends ago, Perry & I took a day trip to the beautiful countryside of Virginia to visit my Dad & Karlene. We walked around their farm & fed the cows, played ball with Rambo, went for a drive with the windows down, and enjoyed an oh-soo-good meal of venison speedies, macaroni salad, and green beans! Unfortunately we couldn't stay the night because we had to leave the dogs inside... this was because a) Autumn keeps having major allergic reactions to something in our backyard, most likely an insect bite and therefore, needs supervision when outside, and b) a big storm was rolling in that evening.

Hosing Rambo off after he rolled around in a mud puddle.

Researching types of snakes after Dad ran over one over and over again.

Kiwi's close up

Rambo's head shot

We had a great time, as always!! Thanks & we love you!

On our way home, Perry stopped in the middle of the road so I could jump out with the camera. 
We were probably the only car for miles.



As you may know, Perry & I had all new heat & air components installed back in February. Prior to that, electric space heaters warmed whichever room we were in and we frequently had cozy fires going in the fireplace. All that and our gas bill for mid-November to mid-December was still $78.

The next billing cycle was the worst. According to the bill from PSNC Energy, the average regional temp from December-January was 36*F. Although the thermostat was set at the same still-too-cold- for-me-to-be- comfortable-if-we- are-truly-being-honest-here temperature, our old rickety unit used more therms and cranked into overdrive, costing us $201.

January-February was a little better at $117. I'm pretty sure I wore my absolutely not sexy plush bathrobe a lot in January.

Our February-March bill was $69. Here starts the change in our usage since the new stuff was put in!!! Basically, the first half of this billing cycle (Feb 12-28) was with the old, the second half (March 1-14) with the new. 

From mid-March to mid-April, we only owed $44! 

I will be taking note of our bills come this December so I can actually compare apples to apples {which is a fun board game, btw!}.


Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to my incredible Mommy, Kathleen

Halloween 1998
My brother Jason's preschool party
Mom made our costumes!

Halloween 2000
Our old house in Apex
Mom also made the Cruella de Vil costume (for me a previous year)!

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom-in-law, Debra

August 1984
Leaving the hospital with Perry Britton
Sometime 2005
Church directory family photo 

Happy Mother's Day to my step-mom, Karlene

October 2009
Downtown Raleigh
My Bachelorette party

Happy Mother's Day to my Grandma, Margaret

Summer 2006(?)
Grandma & Grandpa's front porch 

Happy Mother's Day to my Nana, Elva Jane {I miss you}

November 1985
Nana & Papa holding their 4th grandchild, me!